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Our Lyrics...

Jackie’s lyrics echo the highs and lows of life, inviting you to join her in stories of emotion and introspection.

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Pebble Beach

These words reflect on loss and warm memories.

We found pebbles on the beach

We would throw them out to sea

Watch them skimming on the waves

It was always our escape

Sit and talk and eat ice cream

Hear the seagulls as they scream

Those days are hard to leave behind

It’s not a happiness I’ll find again

I remember Pebble Beach

I remember Pebble Beach

I read your letter yesterday

I love to read the part that says

I won’t be gone for very long

Soon be on the beach where we belong

Not Tonight

 Living with the devasting effects of dementia.

She takes his hand and holds it tight

He smiles, he nods, doesn’t recognise her face

Once there was passion, warmth and light

Now there’s confusion and losing the will to fight

But not tonight, no not tonight

No, no, no, no, no

They walk and see the seasons change

He likes to watch the ducks and swans upon the lake

There was a time when they would run and chase each other

Laughing and kissing all their cares away

But not today, no not today

No, no, no, no, no

It’s a relentless fight

With no sign of ending but she carries on

Watch the sun descending in his eyes

It’s time for bed, he cleans his teeth

She gets his dressing gown

Takes slippers from his feet

He used to kiss her when she turned off the light

But not tonight

No, no, no, no, no not tonight

No, no, no, no, no not tonight

Not tonight

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Meet Me At The Fair

A story of  young love inspired by the musical, Carousel.

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She knows what she’s getting into

 but she don’t care

She thinks that she can trust him

and real love is rare

Falling in love for the very first time


Meet me at the Fair

Don’t be late I’ll be there

Can’t wait to see you

Don’t be late I’ll be there


She met him at the Fun Fair

One night dark and cold

She had the strangest feeling

She’d known him before


Falling in love for the very first time

Early in the morning as she makes her way

A suitcase full of clothing

Sunlight starts to play

Falling in love for the very first time

She waited ‘till the evening

Then walked to the lake

Had to stop the pain as her heart starts to break


A reminder for us all that self-care is important for managing our mental health.

I find a place where I can breathe

A safe little space is all I need

There’s people talking at me

Demands are being made

I look out at the sky and I think of my space


Don’t we all need a little time

To be ourselves and rest our minds

The world is always turning

No matter if we stop

Nothing bad will happen it’s just we all forgot to...breathe


Just try it now, breathe and let it out

Feel your mind relaxing

Feel the tension leaving you now


I’ll find a space where I can breathe

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Maine to LA

Jackie was inspired to write this after reading The Ride Of Her Life by Elizabeth Letts. It's the story of  63 year-old farmer Annie Wilkins who, in 1954, rode her horse from Maine to California with only her dog for company.

Such a long long way from home

With your horses and your dog

At the age of sixty-three

You decided to be free


Without thought of harm or danger

You left your little town in Maine

Relied on kindness of strangers

Found new friendships on the way


From Maine to LA

Such a long, long way to ride

A woman of grit, so brave

To leave your home behind

Your home behind

The doctor said you got two more years

But your spirt said now go, Annie ride!

You lived another twenty years

Telling stories of your ride

It's Okay

Here, we witness a reassuring conversation between the wisdom of age and the anxiety of youth.

Oh my love

You’ve been hurting and you just can’t see

The way out, the way out of your misery

You are so young, I know you worry

It’s all there in your face

But things can change, yes they can change if you just wait

It’s ok to be still, don’t have to be strong

It’s ok to be sad when things go wrong

This is what I say

It’s ok, it’s ok, it’s ok, it’s ok

So my love

Don’t think I got my life all figured out

We all do our best

We do our best you know somehow

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Coming Out of the Rain


Coming out of a toxic relationship and realising that we all have an inner strength that we can tap into.

Do you see me?

Do you hear when I speak?

I knew this day would come

The day I break free

Coming out of the rain

Out of the rain

I feel I can breathe again

I stand tall and tough as a tree

I leave sadness behind

Find the real voice in me

No more will I betray myself

No more hide from the light

I know I can support myself

Everything I need is all in me

Miss You

Having fond memories of a relationship that we thought was 'The One'.

We made the break, it doesn’t matter anymore

I think I’m fine, to see you walking out the door

I know I’m strong, I just carry on

But a little piece of me will always miss you

But that’s ok, I give myself the time to grieve

Life finds a way to bring us all the joy we need

I know I’m strong, I just carry on

But a little piece of me will always miss you

But, a little piece of me will always miss you

A little piece of me….will always miss you

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Little Promises

Here, we are dropped in on the painful journey through unrequited love.

Just before the dawn is breaking

And the day comes to life

I make my first cup of coffee

Dregs of wine from last night

And you know I understand each time that you go

But I can feel the strain between us is starting to show

Oh little promises

They fall from your lips I believe them?

Your little promises…on my mind


I read the note that you left for me

Stuck on the fridge door

How do you think I feel?

When you say you are unsure

Do you know I’m so tired of understanding

It’s wearing me down

Well, I could be moving on

But I’m starting to drown

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